Q1 Product Roundup: What we Shipped

Q1 was a busy time for our product, here's what we shipped

At Dune every season is shipping season.  

2023 has been particularly intense though. We released the Dune API, our new credit system, our first AI-powered features, and other big projects. We shipped a multitude of smaller improvements too - each one geared toward bringing you a faster, smoother and more powerful Dune experience!

We want to start highlighting these improvements to the Wizards community, to make sure you can take full advantage of them as they come. 

So, let’s recap the action packed Q1 and see what changed in 3 major areas: App, Data & DuneSQL.


Our App team has been working hard to give you the best crypto data UX possible. Here are some of their key milestones from Q1.

Query Editor

Table previews allow you to preview a table without needing a “SELECT*” query. 

We also released Query Explorer, so you can search through all your own queries, along with those of your team!

Version History 

Version history was requested by many Wizards, so we got it shipped in mid April. Now all queries come with version history, so you can save and revert to your heart’s content.

Read more about it in our Docs. 

Account Switcher 

The account switcher is another collaboration upgrade. 

It allows you to explore Dune seamlessly across different teams along with your individual account. You can also use your team’s quota and performance tiers across Dune’s functionality. 


Our data team has been busy keeping the data flowing throughout 2023. Here are a few of the cool improvements they’ve shipped. 


We kicked off the year by shipping an integration with the OG blockchain and largest crypto asset - Bitcoin. 

Since then Wizards have produced some excellent dashboards. They've been breaking down the cutting edge of the Bitcoin world - like Ordinals and BRC-20 - and diving into deep topics like halvings and long term security.

Check out Hildobby’s overview, Lindyhan’s breakdowns, and dgtl_assets’ Ordinals analysis.

Bitcoin isn’t going anywhere, and now Dune Wizards can track its evolution into the future.   

Solana Decoding (alpha) 

Out of all the major blockchains, Solana data is the toughest to work with. This year we’ve been working hard on some tricky challenges, and are excited to now support decoding for Solana programs. 

This is the first time a non-EVM chain has been decoded on Dune!

Specific program tables can now be created for all Anchor and Native based programs. Submit your IDL, program_id, and namespace here.

Examples of what can be built: 

New Datasets 

Several exciting new datasets are now live: 

  • traces_decoded, logs_decoded
  • Solana.instruction_calls
  • Ethereum.withdrawals

Go and take them for a spin!

Upgraded Spells

Spellbook is a crucial part of the Dune ecosystem, and we’ve been investing in it heavily in recent months. 

In Q1, we shipped:

  • Expanded coverage of perpetual.trades 
  • Added dex_aggregator.trades and DAO Spells
  • Major improvements to NFT sector spells fixing multiple issues around accuracy & uniqueness
  • Materialized NFT,  DEX & Perpetual Sector spells, increasing query performance 15x

Much more to come on this front in the future, and a big thank you to all the Wizards who contributed. 

Dune SQL 

As you know, Dune SQL is the future of Dune, and will soon be our sole query engine. Q1 was an exciting time on that front. 


Firstly, we shipped Harmonizer, a Python library that translates queries from Postgres and Spark to DuneSQL. It’s a powerful tool that has been working well on some tricky queries. 

We open sourced it too - contributions are more than welcome!

Out of Alpha

DuneSQL also left Alpha in Q1, after recently becoming the most popular query engine for Wizards! DuneSQL is really going to take crypto data to the next level, we can't wait, read more about it here. 


The Dune API is now live - and available on all plans (including free). 

Some notable improvements in Q1 on the API front:

  1. Grab the latest results for any query with a single API call 
  2. Request results in CSV format


Last but not least, we unveiled our LLM roadmap to make the Dune experience a lot more powerful, and announced our first AI powered feature: query explanations.

We have a lot more coming on the LLM front, stay tuned......

The Data Must Flow, in Q2 & Beyond

So there you have it, the highlights of Q1.

We’ve got a lot more in store for you coming soon in Q2 and beyond, so make sure you’re subscribed to Dune Digest and turn notifications on for Twitter to get every update as it comes!

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