Dune Analytics version 2 is now live!

Today we are beyond excited to open a whole new chapter for on-chain data broadly and Dune Analytics specifically!

Today we are beyond excited to open a whole new chapter for on-chain data broadly and Dune Analytics specifically! Our team of four (we’re hiring!) started on a hugely ambitious project at the beginning of this year: to rebuild the Dune Analytics experience from the ground up. And today, less than a quarter later, you can enjoy a whole new Dune as v2 is now live!

The long story short is:

  • Automatic and reliable query and dashboard refreshing
  • A unified, simpler and prettier Dune experience
  • A much faster application overall
  • A whole range of other upgrades

You don’t need to do anything to upgrade, and your queries and dashboards will work seamlessly in Dune v2.

Let’s break it down.

Automatic and reliable query and dashboard refreshing

Dune has grown like crazy for many many months now, and eventually Dune v1 simply could not cope with the insane demand we saw for refreshing queries and dashboards. With Dune v2 we’ve rebuilt our entire query execution and queuing system to better handle an ever-increasing demand for running queries.

For you as a user this means that you no longer need to doubt if query results are up to date!

Dune will now automatically refresh queries when they are viewed. Query creators don’t need to worry about setting a refresh schedule either. Whenever a user looks at a query with stale results,  Dune will automatically refresh under the hood. You can find more details on how this works in our docs.

A unified, simpler and prettier Dune

Finding the right data tables, creating queries and visualising your results has never been easier! We’ve redesigned the entire query and dashboard editor experience. Improvements include:

  • The whole Dune experience now lives on the duneanalytics.com domain and there’s no “go to app”
  • All charts have gotten a complete makeover
  • Cleaner query editor overall
  • Simply scroll down to see, add and edit visualisations of your query results
  • Queries save on the fly when you run them
  • The dashboard editor is more flexible and way faster to work with

You can find more details in our docs.

A super fast experience

The Dune application is now many times faster than it was before.

That’s it, that’s the paragraph.

Other upgrades

Query parameters - what is probably Dune’s most underrated feature has gotten a major upgrade. It’s now super easy to filter any query or dashboard for a token, address or anything, really. Meaning you can turn your queries and dashboards into interactive apps for on-chain data.

See content without having to log in - simply copy and share your query or dashboard link!  The exception is for paid users that make their content private, more details on our pricing page.

See all the updates and details in our changelog.

Now take it for a spin

Simply sign in and click the “new query” button in the header here or check out a dashboard to get going!

We’d love to get your feedback on your experience with Dune v2. Drop us a message in the #feedback channel in our Discord,

We sincerely hope you'll enjoy Dune v2, happy querying!

/Team Dune


The revolution will not be reported quarterly and if you want to make that future a reality you should join us!

PS. There are a few visualisation types that are currently not supported in Dune v2: pivot, cohort, funnel, heatmap and bubble. We’ve emailed the users that are affected. If you have not been emailed all your queries and visualisations should work seamlessly in v2. Do join our Discord or email us at support@duneanalytics.com if you encounter any problems.

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